11 Best Subreddits You Should Subscribe To In 2024

If you are also the one who likes to dig the information about what’s going on around you and likes to stay updated with the trend then you must try Reddit to gather all this information and to stay updated with the trend.

On this platform people who register, they post various texts, pictures, videos, clips, gifs, and much more happening around the world or related to any specific topic.

11 Best Subreddits You Should Subscribe To In 2024

Here we have provided you a list of the best 11 subreddits which you can try. Just go through our list and choose a subreddit according to your interest. So let’s have a look at them.


1. r/Futurology

Our first Subreddit which secured the first rank in our list is r/Futurology. The r/Futurology is a very popular, most used sexiest, and the biggest Subreddit which you must try at least once and it’s always worth trying it.

Ignoring this subreddit is like you are learning about the up-growing technologies and ignoring the controversies of the most growing companies like Facebook and Apple. So you must visit r/Futurology instead of visiting r/technology and take a step towards the growing technology of the future. So just try it for once.

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2. r/Nonononoyes

Now our next subreddit on the list is r/Nonononoyes. On this subreddit, people mostly post short clips of the moments when things get weird or somewhat horribly wrong. These clips may be anything like any disaster or any horrible moment that happened in the area which gets captured by people at that time.

The clips posted on this subreddit also include any narrow avoiding of car accidents, any miraculous natural calamities, any recovery of athletes which seems like a miracle, or any animal that escaped successfully from its predator. It’s not only one topic that is available on this platform but it’s always fun and exciting to watch them.

3. r/Gifs

We have avoided a lot of subreddits in our list which are available in the device as default but the r/gifs is nothing like to be ignored. This one is a great subreddit present in our list which you must try. It is also the one which is mostly known by almost all the people using such platforms.

It provides an unlimited source of torrent content from all around the Web as this one is very active and the largest subreddit present on the web. This characteristic makes it a great subreddit on the internet. On this platform, you can not only know about what’s happening on the internet but you can also know about what’s going on in the real world on a particular day.

If anything incredible or amazing takes place in the real world then you will surely get a clip related to that event on this subreddit. This one is the quickest and easier subreddit.

4. r/MemeEconomy

Here we go with our next subreddit which is pretty much fun and I am pretty sure you will like this sub. People basically use this platform to discuss the memes roaming on social media.

They talk about which meme is more fun and which meme isn’t funny at all and they also predict which meme will get popular and which one will not be liked by the online audience.

The users on this subreddit provide commentary to the memes like “BUY BUY BUY!” or “SELL SELL SELL!”. It’s simply fun to read and enjoy memes on social media.

5. r/Books

Our next subreddit is for the book lovers which is r/Books. This sub provides you with the essential information about the books which are very popular in the market and about the popular authors. It also provides you with pretty much knowledge about almost all the literature from Homer to Jonathan Franzen.

It also provides you a feature in which you can access the Q&A sessions held with the popular authors. The most important feature of this sub us that it only provides genuine content related to books and authors and ban all other content like memes or inappropriate comments to maintain a reading environment. If you are a book lover and have a good internet connection then this one is a perfect subreddit for you.

6. r/Games

Now our next subreddit in the list is dedicated to the game lovers which is r/Games. This one is not as popular as r/Gaming but this one is also the best platform that you can use to discuss video games with other online users. It is most popular because of its strong moderation.

On this platform, you can get a lot of articles that discuss video games and techniques about gaming. As similar to other video game communities, this one is also affected by some bouts of mass hysteria, although it maintains things civil overall.

7. r/nutrition

Now we dedicate our next subreddit to health-conscious people. On r/nutrition, you can get plenty of information about nutrition so that you can take care of your health or any of your loved ones. If you love to search about the latest food research of scientists or want to dig some information about the new food regulations, then this is the best place for you.

This sub is useful for everyone like if you are a gym trainer or a guy who just joined a gym then you can use this to get info about nutrition you need for your body. Even if you are a housewife, student, or in any criteria, there is something for everyone.

8. r/lifehacks

Here we go to our next subreddit which allows you to perform many DIYs and Life hacks which is r/lifehacks. You can use this sub to build any possible thing on your own. You just have to post your details on this sub and you will get an outstanding community to help you out. It provides you a lot of lifehacks which you can use in your day-to-day life to work easier and smarter.

It can make your life much easier and your work effortless. The community present on this platform will also help you in any DIYs. You can use this sub to learn many hacks and DIYs and I am pretty sure you will like this sub.

9. r/aww

Did you ever feel like “Awww” after watching any adorable thing like a cute picture of a cat, a baby, or any such adorable moment? This sub is all about this “Awww” feeling you get on watching these adorable things. It provides you with cute pictures of animals and adorable and funny moments which you will love watching.

If you want the best cure for your depression and want to put a happier smile on your face then this sub is best suited for you. It will provide you with all such adorable and cute things to make you feel “Awww” and to provide you with free smile therapy. This is a perfect platform to kill your boredom and depression.

10. r/technology

Here we go to our next subreddit which is specially dedicated to our technology lover which is r/technology. This one is known to be a very active subreddit present on the internet in the world of technology.

On this subreddit, you can easily get the latest news related to technology on this subreddit very easily without putting a lot of effort into it. You should try this subreddit for once if you like to gather technology-related news.

11. r/foodporn/

Are you also a foodie like me? Or do you enjoy cooking food for others? Then this subreddit is dedicated to you. On this sub, you can get a lot of best recipes with pictures to cook outstanding dishes.

If you love to try new foods every day and love to look at pictures shared by others on this sub then you should try this for once. This is an ideal sub for food lovers. If you are also one of them then you must try this for once. I am pretty sure you will like it.

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In this article, we have discussed with you a list of the best 11 subreddits present in the world of technology that you can try.

All these subreddits are best and hand-picked. We have tried to cover all criteria so that you can choose any of them according to your choice and interest. Hope you will find this article well and it’s helpful for you. Thank you for reading this article.