Official Rice Purity Test Questions Defined Part 1

According to some, the Official Rice Purity Test is a graded survey that assesses an individual’s level of innocence, taking into account factors like drug use, deception, and more. It’s a percentage-based system.

To determine a person’s rice purity, this test includes their test score. Individuals administer the purity tests, which consist of answering yes or no to a slew of ‘Have you ever…’ questions.

Some of the questions asked in a Rice Purity Test are listed below.

Question 1 – Been Arrested?

Once upon a time, I was arrested on suspicion of public intoxication. After a night out, I was on my way back to my apartment in the morning. My friends and I both drank far too much. We were too inebriated to take an Uber, so we decided to keep walking. Despite our good behaviour, we were a little too rowdy for our own good. It lowers our Rice Purity Score.

Been Arrested

We decided to head to the nearest fast food joint because we were starving. It was only after we arrived that we discovered that some police officers were also in the area, and a few of our friends ended up vomiting there. We were quickly apprehended by the police after they arrived and realized what was going on.

Question 2 – Used Tobacco?

Tobacco is just as harmful as weeds and drugs, especially for kids in their teens and early twenties, in my opinion. Most of them are likely to stumble upon it and give it a shot.

Tobacco use or consumption is not on my list of things to do. Though it’s strange, my drinking habits are unaffected; I always avoid smoking.

Question 3 – Used Marijuana?

All over the world, the possession and use of marijuana are prohibited by law. Anyone can be caught in the act and sentenced to life in prison. In addition, the spread of marijuana smuggling has made its use even more widespread than previously thought. The one who had it once will lower their rice purity test score.

Marijuana cultivation is illegal, so it is restricted to remote locations. But when it comes to smoking marijuana, I’ve never done so. Even though it was only once, a friend tried to persuade me to try it, but I was not in the mood for it.

Question 4 – Been Sent To The Office of A Principal?

My best friends and I had a lot of fun together during our high school years. We decided to skip class that day and instead play football in the backyard. The peon, on the other hand, had seen us and had complained to the teacher in charge, so we ended up in trouble.

A day in the principal’s office was our punishment for skipping class and disobeying the rules, so he took us there. It affects our Rice Purity Score.

Question 5 – Had The Police Question You?

One time I was questioned by the police. We were arrested for being intoxicated, as stated in one of the above questions. So, yes, the police only interrogated us at that time. Our parents were informed of our whereabouts even though the crime was not particularly serious. That’s all there is to it.

Question 6 – Been On A Date?

How many people haven’t done this? Almost everyone has gone on a date in this day and age. Since high school, I’ve been on a lot of dates. When it comes to having a fun nightlife, dating is an essential component. My first date was terrifying, but things improved afterward. As a single person, I’ve experienced a wide range of highs and lows in my love life.

Going to the movies and then having a snack afterward is one of my favorite things to do. Trying new foods each week is a great way to expand your palate. However, it can wreak havoc on your income!

Question 7 – Been In A Relationship?

Yes, I’ve had a few relationships in the past. Initially, I was only interested in having a good time with a lot of girls, but as time went on, I began to date. We had a great time together, and I’m glad I got to be a part of such an enjoyable relationship. We were infatuated and enamored with each other romantically.

For me, it was a romantic first experience. I was smitten with her, but in the end, some things just aren’t meant to be. However, we had a good run. We had a lot of fun while we were together, and it was a pleasure to be with you. Even so, I’ve had my share of bad relationships, and they’ve caused me some stress. The bad relationship affects the rice purity score.

Question 8 – Been Drunk?

Definitely! Drinking is one of my favorite pastimes. A lot of fun is had by all when two people go on dates and have a drink together. However, my first time drinking was a complete disaster. I drank a lot of vodka and coke.

Been Drunk

First impressions were positively stunning. When the euphoria kicked in, it was as if I was floating through the air! I was dancing with my best friends to some of the best music I’d ever heard.

It was wonderful, but I had consumed far too much alcohol and was dizzy to the point of vomiting. When surrounded by like-minded individuals, getting wasted can be a fantastic experience, but it’s far more common for things to go horribly wrong.

Question 9 – Played A Drinking Game?

I’ve participated in a drinking game before. When we were in college, it was customary to go to a lounge to celebrate the birthdays of our friends. When we partied there, it was always a blast.

We also participated in a slew of bizarre activities, including a drinking game that turned out to be one of the most memorable birthday celebrations of all time.


As a result, questions of this nature are frequently found on the Rice Purity Test. Inquiring about one’s personal life and one’s level of innocence can be done by asking these questions. Typically, the person taking the Rice Purity Tests finds this session of questions and answers to be the most interesting and exciting. Even so, the Rice Purity Test can be a tedious ordeal for some people.