Rice Purity Test Questions Defined Part 2

This article focuses on the second part of the Rice Purity Test defined questions after having faced various types of questions and receiving answers in the first part. It mainly focuses on questions of a different type. It’s still a fun and exciting part of the game to answer the questions.

The Official Rice Purity Test includes the following set of questions and answers.

Question 11 – Had The Police Call On You?

This has happened to me before, but only once. Having a birthday party in my apartment, I drank and drank and drank. We were partying like maniacs until the wee hours of the morning, and we had no idea that our next-door neighbors were being bothered.

The Police Call On You


They came to my door to try to shut us down, but we didn’t seem bothered in the slightest. This is how things ended up. The angry neighbors called the police, and the rest of that day wasn’t good. This lowers our rice purity test score.

Question 12 – Seen A Dancer?

No, I’ve never seen a dancer, despite the fact that I had the opportunity to do so. My friend was celebrating his first football victory, and we had no idea that he had invited a belly dancer to his house to help him celebrate.

I was out of town at the time and was scheduled to fly home on the same day as our big party. Unfortunately, due to a cancelled flight, I was unable to attend the party and thus missed out on a great time.

Question 13 – Been Convicted of A Felony?

It’s not something I’ve ever been interested in doing. I’ve had my share of misadventures in high school, including being suspended, but I’ve always set my own limits. The truth is that I can’t say the same for everyone out there.

Question 14 – Been Put On Disciplinary Probation Or Suspended?

With my best friends, it was one of the most memorable times of my high-school career. In the end, we decided to skip school that day and instead play football in our backyard.

Sadly, the peon saw us and reported us to the teacher in charge. A day in the principal’s office was our punishment for skipping class and disobeying the rules, so he took us there. This can affect our rice purity score.

Question 15 – Gone Skinny Dipping?

That’s exactly what I did. After our third date, I confessed my feelings for the boy I was seeing. I drove her out into the country to a secret location where I had previously taken her. It was late at night, and the location was clearly out of the way.

This is a great idea for a date, so don’t doubt me. It’s perfect if you’re trustworthy and familiar with the area, but that’s not always the case.

Question 16 – Urinated In Public?

Please! In my opinion, I’m a civilized human being. It was only while trekking in the woods that I was forced to urinate in public. I had to pee in the bushes because there was no toilet in sight.

Urinated In Public

Will never do it again! It’s an awful, unpleasant, and downright filthy experience. Compared to men, girls find it more difficult. We can’t just pull out a pen and pee like that. As you can imagine, public urination can be a real pain. This experience can lower your Rice Purity Test Score.

Question 17 – Held Hands Romantically?

My answer to that is yes. My first boyfriend and I were inseparable, and we had a lot of sex. Newlyweds, we were so in love that we couldn’t stop showing each other affection. When we walked home, he would hold my hand. It was incredible. It was, of course, swoon-inducing.

While it lasted, it was a pleasant experience. We had a lot of chemistry, and we were clearly in love. My favourite part of holding hands with someone was the feeling of intimacy and closeness it provided. Holding hands and walking hand-in-hand is one of the most adorable things a couple can do. I’d give anything to go back in time and hold his hand once more!

Question 18 – Run From The Police?

There was a time, yes. When my friends and I got home from the club, we decided to grab a bite to eat at a restaurant. However, because we were inebriated and fucked up, we puked on the floor of the restaurant.

The owner made the decision to call the authorities. However, we made the quick decision to flee when the police arrived. The authorities were on the verge of apprehending us. It was terrifying, but it was also an unforgettable one.

Question 19 – Had The Police Handcuff You?

A few years back, I was arrested for public intoxication. After a party, I was on my way home. My friends and I both drank far too much. So, since we couldn’t get an uber due to our inebriation, we just kept walking. Despite our good behaviour, we were a little too rowdy for our own good.

We decided to head to the nearest fast food joint because we were starving. It was only after we arrived that we discovered that some police officers were also in the area, and a few of our friends ended up vomiting there. We ended up being arrested because the police didn’t take the time to comprehend the situation fully. Once arrested, it lowers your Rice Purity Test Score.

Question 20 – Faked Sobriety To Parents Or Teachers?

I’ve had a little bit of booze, but never a lot. My sobriety is not an issue because I have never been intoxicated to the point of being incoherent. By the way, it had to be a best friend. He was once grounded for something, but he had parties to go to, so he did what anyone could have thought of: he broke the rules to get to the party.

Parents Or Teachers

After sneaking out in the middle of the night, we made our way to the party.

However, he became inebriated, and we lost track of the passage of time. We agreed that my friend would spend the night at my house and that we would return to his house the following morning.

Our alleged plan, however, was derailed when a third party alerted the father of one of my friends to his current whereabouts. And we had to tell a lie about everything, including our party.


You’ll have to answer these as well when taking the Rice Purity Test. Despite the fact that many of the questions revolve around aspects of your personal life, the experience is both enlightening and gratifying.