Which President Said, “I am not Fit For This Office And Should Never have been Here.”?

You can be a senator without putting in a lot of effort, and that’s not news to anyone who pays attention. Legislative votes you missed? And let’s be honest: who doesn’t do that in Congress? Putting on a front as if you have strong convictions yet in reality you’re not willing to put in the effort to see them through? This is a tale as old as civilization itself.

Which President Said, "I am not Fit For This Office And Should Never have been Here."?

Which President Said, “I am not Fit For This Office And Should Never have been Here.”?

However, senators with poor voting records and a history of bullsh*t rarely rise to the presidency. Of course, I’m not implying that presidential candidates ought to be stellar legislators. However, you will often require a vision, as well as a degree of self-assurance and certainty that approaches hallucination.

Is it Fair to Say that Warren Harding was the Worst President in American History?

Warren Harding was a man of his word, but he made a tremendous mistake by allowing himself to be elected president despite his many flaws. I think he should get some credit for being a terribly self-aware character, though.

Harding was a popular president in the early 1900s, but he is not remembered fondly by historians today. He had a soft spot for people and was beloved by both sexes (women especially, as he was reportedly very attractive).

That he put too much faith in them appears to be his primary flaw. Harding once said, “I have no trouble with my opponents… [it is my friends who] keep me walking the floor evenings.” in reference to the corruption in his government.

Once, Harding declared, “I am not fit for this office and should never have been here.” That’s not what you want to hear from your president, but I will give him credit for being more forthright than the average politician, at least behind closed doors. 8

Was Warren Harding a Poor Leader of the United States, then?

Winning the presidency and serving as president are two different things. Here, I’ll quickly run through the nitty-gritty of the Harding administration’s plans in order to get to the meat of the matter.

Reversing Woodrow Wilson’s liberal programmes was a top priority for the Harding administration, as I noted earlier. Harding reduced taxes for the wealthy, imposed protective tariffs to boost the home economy, restricted immigration, and ended postwar expenditure restraints. Personal civil freedoms and African American rights were two issues that Harding fought hard for.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the true reason you’re here: why Warren Harding was the worst president.

Corruption Under Warren Harding

Harding was completely stressed out by his position as president and often complained to his friends about how he couldn’t handle it. In order to lighten the load, he appointed friends and allies and gave them responsibility. Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, and Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes all put in solid effort and succeeded as politicians on occasion when this strategy was employed.

Last Words

The “Ohio Gang,” however, was a gang of high-ranking appointees whose sole purpose in government was to steal from the federal government. The Teapot Dome Scandal is one such case that everyone remembers from elementary school if only for the name. Thanks for reading our article Which President Said, “I am not Fit For This Office And Should Never have been Here.”?