“The data is clear: If you are unvaccinated, you’re at risk of getting seriously ill or dying or spreading it,” Biden said during a news conference from the White House. He was very much insistent and doubled down on the fact that everyone has to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Delta Variant is Particularly Dangerous For Young People
He as much as pleaded to the people to make haste and get the covid 19 vaccine because that seems to be the only line of defense that we have at our hand. He did warn all the citizens to be cautious of the delta variant that is becoming predominant all over the world. It is especially causing danger to the young group of people.
“Delta, the Covid variant first identified in India will leave unvaccinated people even more vulnerable than they were a month ago,” he added. “It is a variant that is more easily transmissible, potentially deadlier, and particularly dangerous for young people.”
He asked the young people to get vaccinated as soon as possible because that is the only way that one can protect oneself and also the people around them. “Please, please if you have one shot, get the second shot as soon as you can,” he said. Thus we can hereby confirm the fact that this is the only way that the authorities are going to ensure the safety of the people.
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- Israel Doubles Down On Booster Shots As Daily Covid Cases Set New Record
Final Words
After the declaration and plea from the President of the United States, people seem to be made quite aware of the situation that they are in. So if you have one pending shot or if you are on the list, get that shot as soon as possible.
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